This video demonstrates how to do a double crochet bind off. This method of binding off gives a nice decorative edge that looks nice on pockets. ...

This video demonstrates how to do a sloped bind-off in Continental knitting. Ideal for shoulder or neck shaping, this bind-off avoids the stair stepping that is caused by other methods of binding off. ...

This video demonstrates how to do a sloped bind off in English knitting.This method is great for shoulders or neck shaping. It avoids the stair stepping that is caused by other bind-off methods. Remem ...

This video demonstrates how to do a basic knit-one-purl-one bind-off. This is a bind off for knit 1 purl 1 ribbing. Knit-One Purl-One Bind-OffA very nice BO for ribbing This is a bind-off for K1 P1 ri ...

This video demonstrates how to do a three needle bind-off in English knitting. This method is great for seams. If your doing a project that needs a flat seam that almost looks like one piece this is t ...

This video shows the Old Norwegian cast-on method. You need to work on needles a size or two up from gauge, because this is a tight cast-on. ...

This video demonstrates how to do invisible (provisional) cast-on, also known as looped cast-on. This is a provisional cast-on: one that can be easily undone to expose live stitches, and then knit fro ...

This video demonstrates how to do a alternate cable cast-on. This is a great cast-on for K1 P1 ribbing,it is firm but stretchy. This is more difficult and take more time. ...

This video demonstrates how to do ribbing. This can be done in a variety of ways, from thin ribbing (knit 1, purl 1) to a thicker (knit 3, purl 3). This is used in a variety of ways one application is ...